Winter CSA Membership

winter 2024-2025 csa Signups are live!

Read through the details on this page, fill out the form below, and make a payment to reserve your spot. Low-cost shares are available, members using SNAP pay half price, and will meet you wherever you are financially through subsidized shares. We will never turn you away for lack of funds.

Our Winter CSA runs every other week from December through early May. We grow delicious greens year round in unheated high tunnels and harvest storage crops late into the fall to provide a nice assortment even through the winter months! This year we are adding 1 more pickup date in early May for a total of 12 shares!


  • For $44, each week you’ll get about 4 bags or bunches of greens and 11 pounds of various storage crops. You will choose from our selection, however please note that there are more limits in winter than summer for obvious reasons.

    • Pay in 1 or 2 installments. $528 at signup for 1 installment or $264 at signup and $264 by December 31 for 2 installments. SNAP payments accepted.

  • Our Winter CSA runs for 12 weeks. Pickup is every other Saturday from 9am - 2pm starting on December 7, 2024 and ending on May 10, 2025.

  • You can select to shop market-style at pickup or you can pre-order online and have a bag waiting. Pre-bag members pay an extra $1 per bag.

  • On the CSA distribution days we also have our store open full of other tasty local items like eggs, meat, dairy, fresh bread, pastries, cookies, drinks, grains, snacks, along with our homemade frozen soups, pestos, and jams which can be purchased day of.

Expected Winter Crops for Winter Share 2024-2025

Kathleen and Michael prepare to drip irrigate spinach in the heart of winter.

Winter Lettuce Mix Tunnel

Storage Crops growing in late summer 2023.

Become A Member

To become a 2024/2025 Winter CSA member, read through the details on this page, fill out the online form below, and put down a deposit.

Bring or send your checks/cash to Tributary Farm at 531 County Rte 6, High Falls, NY 12440

Flexible Payment Structure and Subsidized Shares:

We will work with you if you cannot afford the suggested amount from reducing the initial payment to subsidizing your share. We don’t want anyone to turn away due to price. Here is what we are doing to make sure anyone can eat with us.

2024-2025 Winter CSA Pickup Dates

  • Flexible prepayment: While we have a suggested amount of money due to reserve your spot (highlighted in blue in the table above), we are flexible to your needs and will reserve your spot for a minimum of $20.

  • SNAP benefits: We accept SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) benefits. If you qualify for SNAP you don’t need to make a prepayment, just fill out the form below.

  • Subsidized Shares on a need basis: If you don’t qualify for SNAP and you can’t afford the share we will reduce the price for you. Tell us what you can pay on the sign up form. We rely on donations from members to cover the additional cost of these shares. Thank you for sharing the bounty!

Farmers agree to the following:

2023 Garlic Harvest

We agree to do everything within our control to provide you with a good variety, quality and quantity of tasty, fresh, and organically grown produce. We promise a weekly email with a list of what will be available and we promise to either pre-bag your order or have produce laid out nicely for your choosing for 12 weeks. We promise to listen to your feedback and to continually improve the services we provide you.    

Members agree to the following:

  • I will make my best effort to be at each scheduled distribution. If I cannot attend a distribution I will either arrange for someone to pickup my share, ask the farmers to bag my share for later pickup in the fridge, or take extra another week to make up for it. Bags can be picked up anytime the following week.

  • I will follow the on farm guidelines communicated before the first pickup and read necessary instructions.

  • I understand that this completed online form and mailed/delivered payment are proof of my agreement to join Tributary Farm’s Winter CSA for the 2024/2025 season. Through this partnership, I promise to support the farm through payments on or before the scheduled dates, and in return I will have my share in the weekly harvest.